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-   -   This is why you look for bicyclist when you're out on those drives. (https://www.i-club.com/forums/bay-area-15/why-you-look-bicyclist-when-youre-out-those-drives-254393/)

Overbear 09-24-2013 05:54 AM

[QUOTE=wombatsauce;3450236] Prove that you are not by making even the smallest amount of sense describing how you would pass laws that say people cannot ride their bikes on major roads. [/QUOTE]

1)Outlaw bikes from roads with no designated bike path. Set up said law to make a bike path marked by a 10" wide white reflective stripe, and said path must be at least 28" wide.

2)Change state financeing to support cities/counties who want to make more bike paths on roads. Offer money in the form of road grants, to NOT make "beautification" upgrades but rather add said bike paths. Tie said grants to the need for more paths, but also that it may not remove the flow of traffic, or parking spaces. (meaning better to make sidewalks a few feet narrower and not do a "green strip" down the center of roads.)

3)Create harsher punishments for cars that violate the new bike path laws, but also create heavy fines/punisments for bikes that cross into automotive traffic areas.

4)Mandate a 'saftey course' for all cycle riders in the state, and a licenseing system that mirrors the DMV. Make this mandatory for bikers that wish to ride "extended rides" outside of 3 miles of their home. (this would let kids ride to school and such without the need to go get the license, short commutes, pleasure riding around the block, etc...)

queeg9k 09-24-2013 07:16 AM

But if bikes can keep up with traffic, why not let them take the lane? Slow traffic is suposed to use turn outs, we already have laws for this Overbear. Its when people disobey the laws we have in place that there is a problem.

I fully support more bike lanes though. However bikes are still considered motor vehicles with the same rights and responsibilitys as cars. This will and never should change.

Overbear 09-24-2013 07:41 AM

[QUOTE=queeg9k;3450462]I fully support more bike lanes though. However bikes are still considered motor vehicles with the same rights and responsibilitys as cars. This will and never should change.[/QUOTE]

They should NOT be considerd "motor vehicles" and should have a whole set of laws just for them. They can not go as fast as a car, they impede traffic, and the flow around areas.

At least my solution would remove them from the path of cars and traffic.

SV415 09-24-2013 07:43 AM

[QUOTE=Overbear;3450467]They should NOT be considerd "motor vehicles" and should have a whole set of laws just for them. They can not go as fast as a car, they impede traffic, and the flow around areas.

At least my solution would remove them from the path of cars and traffic.[/QUOTE]

I actually get around in SF much quicker on my bike than a car. I definitely can go much fast than a car in the Mission (and no, I don't run red lights / stop signs).

edit: I also REDUCE traffic when I'm on my bike.

buzzword 09-24-2013 08:47 AM

[QUOTE=SV415;3450468]I actually get around in SF much quicker on my bike than a car. I definitely can go much fast than a car in the Mission (and no, I don't run red lights / stop signs).

edit: I also REDUCE traffic when I'm on my bike.[/QUOTE]


slugrx 09-24-2013 09:04 AM


Sorry about that, was not suggesting you do your job on a bike. Was just trying to show that people who drive but do not cycle hate cyclists, people who only cycle but do not drive think everyone in a car is an idiot. I know what you are talking about with the crazies on bikes, and for some reason I do see that from time to time around the train station, Old County and Ralston - that area. I do not see this as evidence that everyone on a bicycle is a jerk, but that those were some jerks on bikes. Usually it's young folks on a BMX or something.

I have lived in the same area there off and on since 2006, and do a lot of cycling. I also do a lot of driving. I see jerks operating all kinds of devices. I go through Ralston/Old County a lot and it's rare to go through there in the afternoon or evening and not see someone doing something incredibly stupid with a car, usually it's parked diagonally in the intersection, and there is honking/yelling.

The thing about the stop signs is weird though. We drive the same areas every day. The "not stopping" thing is pretty commonly known, and it's weird that we can both travel through the same areas and have different experiences.

I drive Alameda every day, and there are lots of 4-way stops on that road. Literally no one stops, unless there is so much traffic that they must. Driving through the hills in Belmont and San Mateo, people roll through or even accelerate through stop signs. It's almost like it's a challenge to not stop, and people get really mad when you roll through the intersection slowly, forcing them to stop.

I see cars when I am out taking dogs for a walk or something, come through stops around where I live so fast that I can actually see the car leaning as the tires cross over the stop line. Every single day. If you stand on a corner and count cars that do not stop, you will eventually get bored and leave. This is a known issue in this area. No idea where you are at on that one.[/QUOTE]

That's bs

If you go through old county and Ralston you'll notice that there are times where you can't cross Ralston going north because the stop sign by Wendy's is always backed up because people take forever to go through that stop sign

Ralston gets backed up so bad both ways because of the stop sign by ndnu which just this morning I saw a New Benz stop 5ft short of the line,and then stop again at the line for more than a second

I live by the water dog trail and it is crazy how many bikes blast down the streets by there never stopping or giving one f about cars or pedestrians

I drive way more than you so I see way more happen...

Anyways, people doing rolling stops is not even comparable to how dangerous it is to not even slow down at a stopsign on a bike

Oh and i grew up in sf on a bicycle so don't say im biased because I don't bike ride, I just don't as much because I'd rather be in a car

Overbear 09-24-2013 09:21 AM

[QUOTE=SV415;3450468]I actually get around in SF much quicker on my bike than a car. I definitely can go much fast than a car in the Mission (and no, I don't run red lights / stop signs).

edit: I also REDUCE traffic when I'm on my bike.[/QUOTE]

and I should care...why?

*edit* btw I want to point out I was riding BMX and riding a bike 20+ miles a day in the summer to and from town in the mountains, before most of you were even a thought. We knew to stay off the main roads, we knew not to do stupid **** like ride where cars were trying to drive, and we knew better than to ride 2-3 abrest.

SV415 09-24-2013 09:35 AM

[QUOTE=Overbear;3450491]and I should care...why?[/QUOTE]

I was just pointing out that your 'facts' are flawed.

03_Impreza_Al 09-24-2013 09:41 AM

[QUOTE=Overbear;3450491]and I should care...why?

*edit* btw I want to point out I was riding BMX and riding a bike 20+ miles a day in the summer to and from town in the mountains, before most of you were even a thought. We knew to stay off the main roads, we knew not to do stupid **** like ride where cars were trying to drive, and we knew better than to ride 2-3 abrest.[/QUOTE]

20 miles a day? that's cute...


queeg9k 09-24-2013 09:48 AM

[QUOTE=Overbear;3450467]They should NOT be considerd "motor vehicles" and should have a whole set of laws just for them. They can not go as fast as a car, they impede traffic, and the flow around areas.

At least my solution would remove them from the path of cars and traffic.[/QUOTE]

I can ride my bike upwards of 40mph. If I can not keep up with traffic I let traffic pass me when safe to do so. If I am keeping up with traffic (on the ass of the car in front) I often take the whole lane as the car behind me can't pass anyhow. I follow the rules of the road and it sounds like your opinions are based on those who do not.

Overbear 09-24-2013 10:06 AM

[QUOTE=queeg9k;3450502]I can ride my bike upwards of 40mph. If I can not keep up with traffic I let traffic pass me when safe to do so. If I am keeping up with traffic (on the ass of the car in front) I often take the whole lane as the car behind me can't pass anyhow. I follow the rules of the road and it sounds like your opinions are based on those who do not.[/QUOTE]

The problem is, thats the group you have to play to, not the people who obey the rules. You have people like

[QUOTE=irrational x;3449933]I do that when its unsafe to pass me.[/QUOTE]

Who dictate what can and can't be done by their own whim and not by what is legal. In affect saying "screw you I am on a bike, I am more important than you are"

queeg9k 09-24-2013 10:10 AM

[QUOTE=Overbear;3450508]The problem is, thats the group you have to play to, not the people who obey the rules. You have people like

Who dictate what can and can't be done by their own whim and not by what is legal. In affect saying "screw you I am on a bike, I am more important than you are"[/QUOTE]

Sounds like he is obeying the rules to me.

V C Section 21656 Turning Out of Slow Moving Vehicles
Turning Out of Slow-Moving Vehicles

21656. On a two-lane highway where passing is unsafe because of traffic in the opposite direction or other conditions, a slow-moving vehicle, including a passenger vehicle, behind which five or more vehicles are formed in line, shall turn off the roadway at the nearest place designated as a turnout by signs erected by the authority having jurisdiction over the highway, or wherever sufficient area for a safe turnout exists, in order to permit the vehicles following it to proceed. As used in this section a slow-moving vehicle is one which is proceeding at a rate of speed less than the normal flow of traffic at the particular time and place. [/QUOTE]

Sounds to me like you are saying "HUR DUR I AM A CAR I AM MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU"

If there where a bicycle behind you that wanted to go faster than you wanted to, would you use a turn out for them?

Overbear 09-24-2013 10:16 AM

If there where a bicycle behind you that wanted to go faster than you wanted to, would you use a turn out for them?[/QUOTE]

It won't happen, ever but sure why wouldn't I? I pull over for motorcycles all the time and give them room to pass.

The other part of that post, my point was its not HIS place to decide what is, and is not "legal or safe" for others to do, its his responciblity to mind his own damn riding/driving. If some total retard wants to pass him on a turn (way unsafe) then thats on them not on Mister "I am the bike god!"

OneManArmy 09-24-2013 10:18 AM

[QUOTE=queeg9k;3450514]Sounds like he is obeying the rules to me.

Sounds to me like you are saying "HUR DUR I AM A CAR I AM MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU"

If there where a bicycle behind you that wanted to go faster than you wanted to, would you use a turn out for them?[/QUOTE]

Mother ****ing WORD!

End thread.

queeg9k 09-24-2013 10:20 AM

[QUOTE=Overbear;3450515]It won't happen, ever but sure why wouldn't I? I pull over for motorcycles all the time and give them room to pass.

The other part of that post, my point was its not HIS place to decide what is, and is not "legal or safe" for others to do, its his responciblity to mind his own damn riding/driving. If some total retard wants to pass him on a turn (way unsafe) then thats on them not on Mister "I am the bike god!"[/QUOTE]

Would you put yourself in a dangerous situation to allow faster traffic to pass?

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