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Haole-Pino 07-17-2008 09:34 PM

Also my car is Black.....It's hard enough to judge a car's speed by just looking at it from a near by parking lot. But the fact it was very dark according to the officer, and my car is black, its difficult to judge a vehicle speed with those factors, even if your experience. correct? I think hes wrong....I think he knew it, resulting in lack of infomation on the ticket...

eRicaSWGN 07-17-2008 09:38 PM

just pull a Dave Chappelle at court
"I do not what what the shizzle this bizzle is about, but i do know that its Bu- Sh"

but yes there is a "flow of traffic" rule, If I were you I would try to look it up or ask one of your cop friends about it.

Yes Dave I agree, I think he is hoping you just pay it.

BTW Good Luck

shaggadelic 07-17-2008 10:01 PM

haha ask a cop on FH. you'll get a better awnser

i would say no worries braddah you all good

Haole-Pino 07-17-2008 10:43 PM

[QUOTE=eRicaSWGN;2260806]just pull a Dave Chappelle at court
"I do not what what the shizzle this bizzle is about, but i do know that its Bu- Sh"

but yes there is a "flow of traffic" rule, If I were you I would try to look it up or ask one of your cop friends about it.

Yes Dave I agree, I think he is hoping you just pay it.

BTW Good Luck[/QUOTE]

I should dress up like a thug, "Dam dogg, that **** is wiggy wiggy wiggy wack" :lol: I'll talk to my cop buddy, I'll ask him about this "Flow of traffic" rule.

shaggadelic 07-17-2008 11:48 PM

the flow of traffic is BS!!! try using that in court and say " i was going with the flow of traffic" the judge will laugh at you and say " if they were all going 100mph you would to or if the all jumped off a bridge you would too?" i seen someone in court try this. it was a Korean lady and the judge laid the hammer!!! thank god i was there for a non moving violations.

04sleeper 07-17-2008 11:53 PM

[QUOTE=Haole-Pino;2260871]I should dress up like a thug, "Dam dogg, that **** is wiggy wiggy wiggy wack" [/QUOTE]


substitude 07-18-2008 12:50 AM

I e-mailed a friend from college who is a lawyer. I'll let you know what he says... I sent him a copy of the citation.

He did tell me that if you are charged with excessive speeding or racing (neither apply to you it seems) then you'd get referred to the Public Defenders Office. So this does look like a minor infraction, but of course it would still behoove you to clear it from your abstract.

AngrySubyWagon 07-18-2008 01:01 AM

I guess you can fight it if you want. As others stated...your word vs theirs. But "speed restrictions under certain conditions" means a posted speed doesn't matter. I think if the police officer deemed it unsafe, it's so. (not taking sides). But go for it buggo!!!

:snicker snicker:
your last name is Easterling
:snicker snicker:


xurusaibobx 07-18-2008 01:17 AM

my friend told me that ticket doesnt have enough info kinda broad so its most likely get dropped

Cynt 07-18-2008 02:37 AM

I would love to hear the answers he gets from the popo on forums hawaii... haha

juniorsti 07-18-2008 02:58 AM

sucks man, seems like he picked you in the crowd... i had a cop folow me for a bit and give me a ticket for no plate.. he was a rookie, and i strongly feel the guy was picking on me... he makes a u-turn, follows me for quite while, waiting for me to do something stupid, then Finally pulls me over and gives me the ticket...

[QUOTE=shaggadelic;2260959]the flow of traffic is BS!!! try using that in court and say " i was going with the flow of traffic" the judge will laugh at you and say " if they were all going 100mph you would to or if the all jumped off a bridge you would too?" i seen someone in court try this. it was a Korean lady and the judge laid the hammer!!! thank god i was there for a non moving violations.[/QUOTE]

yea, i think you would simply give yourself away by telling the judge you were going the flow of traffic... were you not watching your own speed??

Cynt 07-18-2008 03:01 AM

^ you two need to re read the original post. You are totally misunderstanding what they are saying.

Dave you get what the original post is saying, right?

juniorsti 07-18-2008 03:05 AM

oh i understand what unpimped meant, i just agreed with shag... i didnt quote unpimped's post... i know he meant you shouldnt be speeding around others (even under the speed limit) when cops are around to avoid any additional attention.

Cynt 07-18-2008 03:11 AM

cool, I just didn't want to see Dave get all confused...

juniorsti 07-18-2008 03:13 AM

sorry to confuse :p

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