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brucelee 05-17-2013 09:03 AM

What's the best way to get revenge on my neighbors?
My annoying ass neighbors started hosting a hispanic Zumba class in their backyard 3 times a week (and charging people to come)...

I wouldn't mind if they didn't do the following:

1. The music is so loud that it literally rattles my windows and freaks my animals out

2. people drive and park like total idiots when attending the party. I live in a quiet dead end court which is usually devoid of traffic, but now we have like 15 cars showing up and blocking cars, driveways, driving irrisponsibly, etc.

Two of our other neighbors have called the police, but since its happening between 4pm and 7pm, they can't do much about it... We tried talking to them, but instead of being mature and understanding, they just laugh and extend the hours of the music just to spite us.

Enough is enough.

I was thinking of getting some REALLY strong stink bombs and a fan, every time they exercise I set off a stink bomb as well as a smoke bomb... Smoke them out of that backyard like insects.

What else can I do that wouldn't get me in trouble with the law?

You guys all wanna come over at the same time as the Zumba party and blast some LOUD Pantera to counteract their annnoying hispanic circus music? (I'm not even sure what the genre is, but it sounds like a ****ing circus!!!!)

Sadly they own the house so I can't report them to the owner. :(

flat489 05-17-2013 09:09 AM

if they are charging money and dont have some sort of license to do so, i would think that can be reported

JourdanWithaU 05-17-2013 09:09 AM

"Stray" bullet?

Host an install day. Probably around 3-8 and fill the court with Subarus. Be sure to install at least one straight pipe turboback and "test" it out.

[QUOTE=flat489;3400464]if they are charging money and dont have some sort of license to do so, i would think that can be reported[/QUOTE]

Also something to look into... I guess.

Trickydickdillo 05-17-2013 09:10 AM

I don't know about laws here in CA, but if you block someone's driveway in Maryland you can be towed and ticketed. So if they're blocking driveways you can always have their cars taken away.

brucelee 05-17-2013 09:12 AM

They are charging "Donations" to get around the not having a lic thing, which is total BS!

Also, good call on tow trucks.

sigma pi 05-17-2013 09:21 AM

[QUOTE=brucelee;3400469]They are charging "Donations" to get around the not having a lic thing, which is total BS!

Also, good call on tow trucks.[/QUOTE]
Tax evasion!!!

Call the IRS.

LifePlaza 05-17-2013 09:23 AM

Host a Harlem Shake while they are doing their Zumba?

w0ng3r 05-17-2013 09:24 AM

[QUOTE=sigma pi;3400472]Tax evasion!!!

Call the IRS.[/QUOTE]

call INS while you are at it, your neighbours might be legal, but i doubt all their guests are.

04GG 05-17-2013 09:42 AM

[QUOTE=LifePlaza;3400473]Host a Harlem Shake while they are doing their Zumba?[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking more like invite a local death metal band :D

[QUOTE=brucelee;3400469]They are charging "Donations" to get around the not having a lic thing, which is total BS! [/QUOTE]

I am guessing there is still some kind of legal issue there.

OneManArmy 05-17-2013 09:50 AM

[QUOTE=flat489;3400464]if they are charging money and dont have some sort of license to do so, i would think that can be reported[/QUOTE]

That is the route I would go. Find out if she has a business license and find out if she has anything related to operating a business out of her home... i.e. insurance.

I'd report it to the IRS because my guess is she's making $1000 a month tax free off of that.

The other thing you can do is monitor the parking. If ANYONE is blocking a mail box, driveway or whatever by even a foot. Call it in. People get enough tickets they won't want to go there anymore.

You can also grab a DB meter. Find out what the limits are. If they're over it. Report it.

Or you can just go ask her to keep the banda music down. If that doesn't work set up some speakers and crank some cannibal corpse.

Jimboi 05-17-2013 09:51 AM

Take out their valve stems in the tire. Lol they will never come back after that.

OneManArmy 05-17-2013 09:51 AM

[QUOTE=04GG;3400488]I'm thinking more like invite a local death metal band :D

I am guessing there is still some kind of legal issue there.[/QUOTE]

I could probably arrange that.

04GG 05-17-2013 09:53 AM

Cops won't come out for something like that, just to give out tickets, at least not in SJ they won't.

Superusdm 05-17-2013 09:54 AM

I think you hit the nail on the head first post in. Pantera should do it :)

I like your stink bomb idea, very creative and with immediate results. Blowing the whistle with the IRS will take too long, and if they claim the funds went back into throwing the parties (replacing blown speakers and whatnot) they will most likely just get a slap on the wrist and be required to turn it into a legitamate business.

Prettym1k3 05-17-2013 09:55 AM

First of all, in California, they may not tow you for blocking a sidewalk or driveway, but they will ticket you. Call the City. Parking enforcement would LOVE to come out and fill an unofficial quota with 10-15 tickets in one stop.

Second of all, it doesn't matter what they call their payment. "Donations" doesn't fly if my employer tells me, "Listen, we're going to start donating money to you for helping around the office." If it can be argued that this is a business (regular and consistent hours and days of operation), then report it to the IRS. Also, the only business I'm aware of that you can be run out of a home on a consistent basis without some sort of "home office" setup (eg. I run my photography business out of my home) is childcare, and you still need a license for that. If they don't have a license/business license/certificate, they can get in trouble. If they're doing personal training, there are licenses for personal trainers in some jurisdictions, and this can cause a huge headache to have a large group come down on top of you.

Continue to complain. Every day it happens. Talk to your neighbors. Have them continue to call and complain. Believe it or not, if you annoy the cops and dispatch enough, they will do something, even if it's not a set of criminal activities. You are entitled to quiet enjoyment of your home.

Call INS. Honestly. People who operate a business "under the table" are often doing it because they aren't in good standing with the IRS, The State, Local authorities, etc. Likelihood is, they don't want to be tracked for good reason. Call them out.

Call out local code enforcement. Believe it or not, there is a limit of people who can live in a single family home/apartment, and there is a fire code that states how many people can be in one place at one time. They may be violating this code.

Exacting revenge will ONLY make a situation like this worse. Trust me. They don't care how much you annoy them. They'll just annoy you more. People with no respect for others will only increase their lack of respect for you, and drive you insane.

ruehl 05-17-2013 09:59 AM

Go to a place with public computers and continually post Craigslist ads for free beer, parties or other things and just post their address or use their phone number in the ad.

04GG 05-17-2013 09:59 AM

Have you talked to them about it? Maybe just ask them to be considerate of you and turn it down before resorting to IRS and INS.

Chinese New Year every time they have a class? Lion dance and firecrackers.

w0ng3r 05-17-2013 10:02 AM

[QUOTE="04GG;3400504"]Have you talked to them about it? Maybe just ask them to be considerate of you and turn it down before resorting to IRS and INS.

Chinese New Year every time they have a class? Lion dance and firecrackers.[/QUOTE]

He already states that they just laugh and keep the music going on later when he talks to them

Sent from my Nexus 4 using i-Club

slugrx 05-17-2013 10:04 AM

[QUOTE=ruehl;3400503]Go to a place with public computers and continually post Craigslist ads for free beer, parties or other things and just post their address or use their phone number in the ad.[/QUOTE]

I like that one - free garage sale at their address - just take what you want!

Or a "need X cut/moved/destroyed" post and use their adress - ie. If they have a big tree in front yard, post an ad saying "we have a big tree that needs to be chopped down - come on by and take it for free"

albertowrx916 05-17-2013 10:15 AM

Have someone they dont know sign up for the class, fake an injury, then sue them....


FXTbrah 05-17-2013 10:21 AM

Chalkboard + nails.. Im sure theres atleast a few people in their Zumba class that will not be able to stand that. Other than that fight music with music.

Not sure if stink bombs will get you in trouble with the police but that will likely work too. Or just do everything lol

rau 05-17-2013 10:21 AM

[QUOTE=albertowrx916;3400519]Have someone they dont know sign up for the class, fake an injury, then sue them....


Post an ad for the Zumba class online. First class free. Flashmob fake injury.

OneManArmy 05-17-2013 10:24 AM

How about this...

Subaru Meet and BBQ at Daniel's house.

Just set the meet up 45 minutes before they do their class. We'll FILL the street with subarus. Start up the grill and blast some metal and play beer pong.

Then we'll all put on thongs and head bands and do some yoga while farting off all the booze and meat to more metal.

Trickydickdillo 05-17-2013 10:24 AM

Water balloons. Invite a whole bunch of people over and bomb them from your side of the fence

SilverBlitzkrieg 05-17-2013 10:27 AM

[QUOTE=Prettym1k3;3400502]First of all, in California, they may not tow you for blocking a sidewalk or driveway, but they will ticket you. Call the City. Parking enforcement would LOVE to come out and fill an unofficial quota with 10-15 tickets in one stop.

Second of all, it doesn't matter what they call their payment. "Donations" doesn't fly if my employer tells me, "Listen, we're going to start donating money to you for helping around the office." If it can be argued that this is a business (regular and consistent hours and days of operation), then report it to the IRS. Also, the only business I'm aware of that you can be run out of a home on a consistent basis without some sort of "home office" setup (eg. I run my photography business out of my home) is childcare, and you still need a license for that. If they don't have a license/business license/certificate, they can get in trouble. If they're doing personal training, there are licenses for personal trainers in some jurisdictions, and this can cause a huge headache to have a large group come down on top of you.

Continue to complain. Every day it happens. Talk to your neighbors. Have them continue to call and complain. Believe it or not, if you annoy the cops and dispatch enough, they will do something, even if it's not a set of criminal activities. You are entitled to quiet enjoyment of your home.

Call INS. Honestly. People who operate a business "under the table" are often doing it because they aren't in good standing with the IRS, The State, Local authorities, etc. Likelihood is, they don't want to be tracked for good reason. Call them out.

Call out local code enforcement. Believe it or not, there is a limit of people who can live in a single family home/apartment, and there is a fire code that states how many people can be in one place at one time. They may be violating this code.

Exacting revenge will ONLY make a situation like this worse. Trust me. They don't care how much you annoy them. They'll just annoy you more. People with no respect for others will only increase their lack of respect for you, and drive you insane.[/QUOTE]

This times 1,000!

Manny408 05-17-2013 10:32 AM

If you do retaliate I would keep a close on your pets and cars. Seems like they are making decent money from this and if you were to ruin that situation, they may wanna cause you some more grief. I actually had a neighbour (Racist) that was kinda doing the same thing some years back. I did the music thing with Vietnamese news from an AM channel (I'm Native American) for 3 days and it worked lol. Months later my cat was found dead from BB gun...I always wondered who did it.

sigma pi 05-17-2013 10:56 AM


Get with your neighbors and look into an injunction.

sigma pi 05-17-2013 10:57 AM

[QUOTE=Superusdm;3400500]I think you hit the nail on the head first post in. Pantera should do it :)

I like your stink bomb idea, very creative and with immediate results. Blowing the whistle with the IRS will take too long, and if they claim the funds went back into throwing the parties (replacing blown speakers and whatnot) they will most likely just get a slap on the wrist and be required to turn it into a legitamate business.[/QUOTE]
Well you have to get a lic. to have an at home business. Then you cant have X ammount of people over. It is usually less than 5

sigma pi 05-17-2013 10:59 AM

[QUOTE=albertowrx916;3400519]Have someone they dont know sign up for the class, fake an injury, then sue them....

Best idea so far!

theoutbackdream 05-17-2013 11:02 AM

technically, isn't it illegal to run a business without a license, especially in their backyard?

sigma pi 05-17-2013 11:03 AM

[QUOTE=theoutbackdream;3400556]technically, isn't it illegal to run a business without a license, especially in their backyard?[/QUOTE]

if they dont turn the music down, I am just going to burn their house down.

04GG 05-17-2013 11:05 AM

Pick up a beater and run a can of sea foam through it every time there is a class?

wombatsauce 05-17-2013 11:08 AM

You will need support of at least 3 neighbors in order to get help from the police. You MUST document every time this happens, as is possible, keep a log of every time it's going on for more than say 15min. Like: date/time, short description, etc. Do up a spreadsheet or something, and talk to the neighbors first, then get them to sign it and give them copies. This is your best ammo.

Doing ANYTHING at all toward them will make things worse, and as others have mentioned, cause potential harm to pets. You must consider the source and see how you would feel doing the same thing as they are. Chances are you could not let yourself do this sort of totally disrespectful thing, which should show you that they are in a different frame of mind. There will never be a scenario where they smell a stinkbomb and say to themselves "gee, I better turn that down so I am not bothering my neighbors." Plus, if they are smarted than they seem, they could potentially get you for purposely exposing them to toxic substances or other contrived bullshirt.

Best of luck to you - this sort of thing really sucks. My WRX is a living monument to how much of a terrible experience a neighbor can be as this is the car that my neighbor damaged with his carport. I had the police over and the city and ultimately the police required us to go to a mediation, and he convinced them that my wife and I were stealing from his shop, and sued us. It was not awesome, but eventually he made a fool of himself in court and it was thrown out but - it was a royal PITA that I am not likely to forget soon.

Only thing I have to deal with now is kids from Hillsdale High School coming over at lunch and smoking weed/drinking beer outside my apartment during lunch time. They leave trash which often contains Bud Light cans, blunt wraps, Swisher Sweets wraps/butts and other fun things. I work from home sometimes and smell the weed clouds wafting through my apartment.

wombatsauce 05-17-2013 11:10 AM

[QUOTE=04GG;3400562]Pick up a beater and run a can of sea foam through it every time there is a class?[/QUOTE]

You can get in a lot of trouble doing that in an isolated circumstance, let alone in one where someone could claim that you were trying to poison them.

dorifto88 05-17-2013 11:12 AM

[B]Doing ANYTHING at all toward them will make things worse, and as others have mentioned, cause potential harm to pets. You must consider the source and see how you would feel doing the same thing as they are.[/B] [/QUOTE]

honestly its not worth playing the back and forth let me piss off my neighbor game.

sigma pi 05-17-2013 11:15 AM

[QUOTE=wombatsauce;3400567]You will need support of at least 3 neighbors in order to get help from the police. You MUST document every time this happens, as is possible, keep a log of every time it's going on for more than say 15min. Like: date/time, short description, etc. Do up a spreadsheet or something, and talk to the neighbors first, then get them to sign it and give them copies. This is your best ammo.[/QUOTE]


04GG 05-17-2013 11:19 AM

[QUOTE=wombatsauce;3400568]You can get in a lot of trouble doing that in an isolated circumstance, let alone in one where someone could claim that you were trying to poison them.[/QUOTE]

If I were [I]actually[/I] trying to poison them, that isn't how I would go about it. Wasn't actually serious....

04GG 05-17-2013 11:22 AM

[QUOTE=wombatsauce;3400567]You will need support of at least 3 neighbors in order to get help from the police. You MUST document every time this happens, as is possible, keep a log of every time it's going on for more than say 15min. Like: date/time, short description, etc. Do up a spreadsheet or something, and talk to the neighbors first, then get them to sign it and give them copies. This is your best ammo.

Doing ANYTHING at all toward them will make things worse, and as others have mentioned, cause potential harm to pets. You must consider the source and see how you would feel doing the same thing as they are. Chances are you could not let yourself do this sort of totally disrespectful thing, which should show you that they are in a different frame of mind. There will never be a scenario where they smell a stinkbomb and say to themselves "gee, I better turn that down so I am not bothering my neighbors." [/quote]

This is the unfortunate reality. Even if you do something that WORKS, it will more likely than not just make things worse.

[quote]Only thing I have to deal with now is kids from Hillsdale High School coming over at lunch and smoking weed/drinking beer outside my apartment during lunch time. They leave trash which often contains Bud Light cans, blunt wraps, Swisher Sweets wraps/butts and other fun things. I work from home sometimes and smell the weed clouds wafting through my apartment.[/QUOTE]

I had exactly the same problem. I called the school and they sent truancy officers to my place during lunch. That quickly stopped - that year. Next year, same thing all over again.

brucelee 05-17-2013 11:27 AM

Some really valid ideas, thanks for the great advice.

I know the stink/smoke bomb thing would be satisfying, but ultimately I don't want to risk the safety of my animals.

The injunction sounds like our best option, all of our neighbors will be on board for sure.

I think I'll also be doing the craigslist thing for the middle of the night occasions. :-D Thank you for that! :D

brucelee 05-17-2013 11:30 AM

PS: also we're going to look into the whole illegal business aspect of it.

sigma pi 05-17-2013 11:40 AM

Sounds good Dan. :D

Max Xevious 05-17-2013 11:47 AM

no need for middle of the night postings on Craigslist.

find out what times the classes are, advertise on Craigslist for FREE ZUMBA CLASSES at those times at their address.

there will be so many pissed off people, it will be amazing. make sure to video tape it for our pleasure.

G_Ride 05-17-2013 11:48 AM

Keep us updated!

Brfatal 05-17-2013 11:58 AM


So I take it you don't have an HOA?

brucelee 05-17-2013 12:08 PM

[QUOTE=Max Xevious;3400610]no need for middle of the night postings on Craigslist.

find out what times the classes are, advertise on Craigslist for FREE ZUMBA CLASSES at those times at their address.

there will be so many pissed off people, it will be amazing. make sure to video tape it for our pleasure.[/QUOTE]

Even better idea.

brucelee 05-17-2013 12:09 PM


So I take it you don't have an HOA?[/QUOTE]

No, our house was built in the early 1900's, our neighborhood is devoid of ANY HOA, which is the way I prefer it. Noise or not, HOA are pure evil.

Brfatal 05-17-2013 12:39 PM

Completely agree. I bought my house in a neighborhood with no HOA, much to my neighbors' dismay due to driving a loud car down an alley way to get to my garage. :lol:

But this would be one of those things they are good for.

SilverBlitzkrieg 05-17-2013 12:40 PM

Good luck man, hang in there!

TurnWRX 05-17-2013 01:25 PM

I wouldn't try and blast music back at them as it will not only make your Zumba neighbor mad, it will make your other neighbors mad at you as well.

sigma pi 05-17-2013 01:39 PM

[QUOTE=TurnWRX;3400664]I wouldn't try and blast music back at them as it will not only make your Zumba neighbor mad, it will make your other neighbors mad at you as well.[/QUOTE]

iLoqin 05-17-2013 01:48 PM

Go with the free zumba classes @ listed location during their operating hours. If no one answers front door just self invite yourself to the backyard.

04GG 05-17-2013 01:53 PM

Attend every class....nude

Stand out front and be their "greeter"

Hold your OWN classes for free.

OneManArmy 05-17-2013 01:59 PM

[QUOTE=brucelee;3400587]Some really valid ideas, thanks for the great advice.

I know the stink/smoke bomb thing would be satisfying, but ultimately I don't want to risk the safety of my animals.

The injunction sounds like our best option, all of our neighbors will be on board for sure.

I think I'll also be doing the craigslist thing for the middle of the night occasions. :-D Thank you for that! :D[/QUOTE]

What you don't like the thong yoga?

glenspen 05-17-2013 02:05 PM

[QUOTE=Max Xevious;3400610]no need for middle of the night postings on Craigslist.

find out what times the classes are, advertise on Craigslist for FREE ZUMBA CLASSES at those times at their address.

there will be so many pissed off people, it will be amazing. make sure to video tape it for our pleasure.[/QUOTE]

This. Use Craigslist to cause pain. Somebody recently put my cell number on an ad for a FREE tractor and that bastard was ringing day and night till I corrected the seller. 'twas a nightmare

WRX~Mike 05-17-2013 02:11 PM

Play this as loud as fricken possible during their hours of operation!!!


sigma pi 05-17-2013 02:46 PM

Hold your OWN classes for free.[/QUOTE]

OMG put a sign saying the zoomba class is here and point to your house haha


pho_shizzle 05-17-2013 02:48 PM


On the hood of each of their cars.

i<3dirt 05-17-2013 02:52 PM

I think the best thing to do is take pictures, document everything and get your neighbors to join in. The more of you that are against it the better someone will do something.

strider327 05-17-2013 03:01 PM


slugrx 05-17-2013 03:10 PM

Just make sure whatever you do, delete this thread before you do it so there is no evidence of premeditation!!! Haha

JelloChex 05-17-2013 03:31 PM

I didn't realize you lived near Rachel (Electra) and her crazy neighbors.

If you've tried talking to your neighbors and they just laugh at you, then try talking to their guests. If you get friendly with the guests you could ask them to see if they could make sure the owners keep the noise levels lowered so that it doesn't disturb the neighbors and don't have people blocking neighbors driveways.

If you try to keep things on a friendly level then you won't have to worry about retaliation.

04GG 05-17-2013 03:31 PM

Set up a stand outside their house selling Vitamin Water and Red Bull.

Get yourself that yoga outfit and collect the "donations" before they go in.

Install a webcam and broadcast every class live.

pho_shizzle 05-17-2013 03:34 PM

[QUOTE=flukewrx;3400719][B]I didn't realize you lived near Rachel (Electra) and her crazy neighbors.
If you've tried talking to your neighbors and they just laugh at you, then try talking to their guests. If you get friendly with the guests you could ask them to see if they could make sure the owners keep the noise levels lowered so that it doesn't disturb the neighbors and don't have people blocking neighbors driveways.

If you try to keep things on a friendly level then you won't have to worry about retaliation.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Yea I guess so!

slow04wrx 05-17-2013 03:36 PM

See if you can lease one of these.

Seriously try to have a weekly bbq for a motorcycle crowd. heh.

JelloChex 05-17-2013 03:39 PM

[url=http://s400.photobucket.com/user/gnagnetta/media/borat.jpg.html]Borat Photo by gnagnetta | Photobucket[/url]

Another option is just dress as Borat and go join in on the Zumba Classes.

TheFozz 05-17-2013 06:19 PM

If Dawn of the DUmba$$ doesn't cut it, blast this after 2:27am, be sure the good neighbors know you plan on this attack, preferably do it on a Tuesday or Wednesday night so you can make them really stoked to have to goto work the next morning. (Most good neighbors will invest in a hotel room for the night knowing in advance this is coming.

Same deal though, BASS and TREBLE LOUD AS H377. The subtlety of the lyrics is the kicker. ;)

WRX USA 05-17-2013 07:40 PM


WRX~Mike 05-17-2013 07:55 PM

[quote="WRX USA;3400786"]L.r.a.d.[/quote]

Oh, definitely +1!!!!!

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSMyY3_dmrM&sns=em"]Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) G20 Pittsburgh - YouTube[/ame]

Hipmvmt 05-17-2013 08:15 PM

Call the news. I bet that would scare them out of doing it

gc8Ninja 05-18-2013 12:06 PM

Ask for some assistance from some rednecks that put those train horns on their trucks or whatever they are and yeah you get the idea.

jdblock 05-18-2013 12:22 PM

If they're taking donations, they need to be a not for profit organization. And even some of those organizations need to pay taxes based on donations. Its very difficult to get a a license that allows you to not pay taxes, a Zumba class wouldn't qualify.

JZ oo7 05-18-2013 12:45 PM

Have a BBQ in your backyard and use lots of lighter fluid.

x002x 05-18-2013 06:13 PM

grab a bucket of red paint and paint all the curbs red. :)

TheFozz 05-18-2013 06:52 PM

Join some scenester forum and pm a bunch of heads about a Rave at their address for the same time as the Zumba Class.

The slight difference in dress codes is worth the entertainment factor alone.
*Definitely have some dude wear a pink wig and bring his Elmo.

brucelee 05-19-2013 07:51 AM

Well, believe it or not, the cops got involved and stopped Friday's class... Not sure what happened exactly, but when I got home Friday there was a cop car in front of their house (during the Zumba class), no music and hardly any cars.

I don't want to assume this to be a victory, but damn, that was quick! It wasn't SJPD either... It was SJSUPD (real cops BTW). Lets hope it stays this way.

SJPD is pretty worthless, good to see SJSU PD stepping up.

JAC Wagon 05-20-2013 12:58 AM

damn, I was hoping for more drama! :lol:

aznpride65o 05-20-2013 01:15 AM

Haven't read through all the post because I am lazy, make sure you find the days and times. My neighbors use to have like 6-7 cars one that was stationary for days and would take up both spots in front of our house. What I use to do was call all my friends who weren't busy to take up two spots in front of my house, their house and the surrounding neighbors just to watch them freak out and park all the way up the block. They learned their lesson after about a month. Never parked in front of my house again.

sigma pi 05-20-2013 08:25 AM

[QUOTE=JAC Wagon;3401434]damn, I was hoping for more drama! :lol:[/QUOTE]
Agreed this is VERY anti climatic for BAIC! :lol:

Ddraig 05-20-2013 04:01 PM

Not too late for this...

[url=http://www.irs.gov/Individuals/How-Do-You-Report-Suspected-Tax-Fraud-Activity%3F]How Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?[/url]

sigma pi 05-21-2013 08:27 AM


Form 211 for sure, block party with the money!!!! Or just pay for Zumba classes for the entire street :lol:

…have information and want to claim a reward
Use Form 211
Mail it to the address in the Instructions for the form.

gunmtl 05-21-2013 08:10 PM

umm no pics of these zumba chicks?

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