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puma_man 03-29-2008 06:23 PM

Another Ticket...
So I am driving on 17 to my soccer game at Cabrillo College, and I'm like 3 miles from Hwy 1 when a cop starts tailgating me. He finally pulls me over and says, "I've been following you for a couple miles. I was going 75 and you were pulling away from me and when I went 80 I caught up to you."

I was like ok...

So he writes me up for 75 in a 65... honestly how lame is that. And then he goes on to say, "I'm going to have to write you up a fix-it for your modified muffler. I could hear you from about a mile away..."

Pretty much I was going arguably 10 miles over the speed limit when cars were flying by me and he decided he wanted to **** me over.

My question, is it even worth contesting a ticket? Because I don't really wanna have to go to court in Santa Cruz if I'm just going to get owned. I know I wasn't going 80 and I was cruising at like 73 mph for the most part until I saw him tailgating me, then I slowed down to 65.

This sucks.

aboothman 03-29-2008 06:27 PM


TSNWrX07 03-29-2008 06:57 PM

that sucks..well for the speeding tix u can go to court and fight it and pray he doesnt show up..i know lots of peeps who got their tix cleared bc the cop never showed

Irish_car_B0mb 03-29-2008 07:01 PM

Yes it is worth it. If you go and he isnt there the case will get dismissed. Though you may have to pay the 45 dollar court fee or whatever it is down there. I just did the same thing with my radar detector. He said it was a "JAMMER". I showed up to court he didnt show up, judge dismissed and i had to pay $44. Better than the 417 i was told it was gonna be if they decided it was a jammer.

It is always good to go just incase they dont show up. CHP never shows up unless they got a lot of tickets that day. If they only got 1 or 2 they most likely dont show up. It works for them for the people who dont contest and just mail the ticket in.

I hope this helps. I have heard of people getting out of street racing tix for this reason as well. It doesnt happen often but it does happen. If you dont get a ticket and no point on the record i would say its worth it. And if he does show up you would have had to pay it anyway.

puma_man 03-29-2008 07:16 PM

Thanks for all your help

From Ticket Assassin
Submitting a Written Not Guilty plea is your legal right (under 40519b), but there is no state approved form for this plea. It seems suspicious that the best and easiest way to contest a traffic ticket is not supported by a state approved pleading form.

We at Ticket Assassin have created a Written Not Guilty Plea template since the state has neglected to do so. You can find this form in our shareware section. (requires registration)[/QUOTE]

Does anyone else know how to write a Not Guilty Plea so I don't have to pay 25 dollars to join the site?
Any help would be awesome

stupidchicken03 03-29-2008 07:39 PM

ya if he doesnt show it is waived...BUT most cops and CHP get paid like triple time TO show up.... so slim chance he wont show

glenspen 03-29-2008 09:29 PM

Pay to play.

Do some traffic school and in the future keep to the speed limit.

flatline 03-29-2008 10:05 PM

[QUOTE=stupidchicken03;2158073]ya if he doesnt show it is waived...BUT most cops and CHP get paid like triple time TO show up.... so slim chance he wont show[/QUOTE]

actually its just overtime.

Secondly, you admitted to going 73ish. take the ticket for 75 and pray for a better day. or just slow down.

grewal06 03-29-2008 10:22 PM

the easiest way is to go to court at least 7 days before your court date and ask for an extention in the date for school reasons. trust me it works all the time. and make sure you get atleast a month extention so that way the cop will forget to show up. and just look at it this way even if he does show up you bought yourself an extra month to save up for that ticket!!! :)

nkghost 03-29-2008 10:24 PM

Don't bother with ticketassassin, I paid the 25 and that **** didn't help at all for me. They have crappy responses when you ask for help, they send the same info over and over that doesn't help.

If he paced you, all he has to do is prove his speedometer is calbrated correctly and you lose.

I know cuz some cop just pulled me over a while back and said he paced me and gave a BS speed when I was SLOWING DOWN to take my exit and still gave me the ticket for it.


strider327 03-29-2008 10:28 PM

Use a tr205 form online and write out all the details that you can remember. But in any case here's some great advice...."Its not what you know, its what you can prove."

Dnayukns 03-29-2008 10:53 PM

i gotta ticket today for going 37 inna 30....the cop wrote me a ticket and told me to have a nice day.

Spoolin415 03-30-2008 01:24 AM

You admit to doing the crime, but you aren't willing to do the time? Trying to fight it will probably only keep your wallet fatter for just a few weeks longer. Ask for traffic school and move on with your life.

JDM555 03-30-2008 01:28 AM

Sorry to ask in your thread, but if your driving 65-67mph and a cop pulls you over and says your going 70-75. Can you ask to see the speed on his radar gun to prove you were going that fast in a very respectful way? Or would that not work?

Spoolin415 03-30-2008 01:33 AM

[QUOTE=JDM555;2158263]Sorry to ask in your thread, but if your driving 65-67mph and a cop pulls you over and says your going 70-75. Can you ask to see the speed on his radar gun to prove you were going that fast in a very respectful way? Or would that not work?

Yes you can. Although I've never done it (I knew the speed I got nabbed for matched his accusation), it should go over OK as long as you don't prod too hard.

What I'd like to see is to have someone ask to see it, have the officer show them and they try to high five him after saying "sweet, new personal record!".

455h013 03-30-2008 01:58 AM

[QUOTE=grewal06;2158159]the easiest way is to go to court at least 7 days before your court date and ask for an extention in the date for school reasons. trust me it works all the time. and make sure you get atleast a month extention so that way the cop will forget to show up. and just look at it this way even if he does show up you bought yourself an extra month to save up for that ticket!!! :)[/QUOTE]

this is the first part to getting out of a ticket. next you need to do is trial by written declaration. then you get that extended and by the end of it its been almost a year and more then likely the cop will have for gotten/lost his paper work. and even if that fails you can ask for a court date and then postpone that date some more and then the cop will have totally forgotten the details of your case. if you want some more details PM me. any ways good luck and let us know how it goes.

aboothman 03-30-2008 10:08 AM

[QUOTE=455h013;2158280]this is the first part to getting out of a ticket. next you need to do is trial by written declaration. then you get that extended and by the end of it its been almost a year and more then likely the cop will have for gotten/lost his paper work. and even if that fails you can ask for a court date and then postpone that date some more and then the cop will have totally forgotten the details of your case. if you want some more details PM me. any ways good luck and let us know how it goes.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Extension + Written Declaration.

The idea behind ticket assassin is to give you the info to do your own Written Declaration, not to create some magic defense that wins every time :rolleyes:
The legal system is about technicalities, and that site gives you a few tricks that can help you beat a ticket. In the end, if you were busted fair and square, the cop does the paperwork and has his **** together, then you are screwed.

I found a cool trick recently, and I have not had a ticket since.[B][U] [SIZE="5"]DO NOT SPEED[/SIZE][/U][/B] Ya know, the speed limit is not just intended to inconvenience people who cannot keep a schedule.

Lboogie 03-30-2008 10:21 AM

I found a cool trick recently, and I have not had a ticket since.[B][U] [SIZE="5"]DO NOT SPEED[/SIZE][/U][/B] Ya know, the speed limit is not just intended to inconvenience people who cannot keep a schedule.[/QUOTE]

You're lying to yourself, God, and the Internet (listed in order of importance) if you're saying you have never...... EEEEEEVAR sped.

Spoolin415 03-30-2008 10:57 AM

[QUOTE=Lboogie;2158361]You're lying to the[b] Internet, yourself and God (listed in order of importance) [/b]if you're saying you have never...... EEEEEEVAR sped.[/QUOTE]

Fixed. :lol:

kYLEMtnCRUZr 03-30-2008 01:17 PM

^not funny...parking hell huh?

so this was the big downhill straight into Scotts Valley? Thats 65, and a ticket for ONLY 75 just from pacing is BS IMO

iLoqin 03-30-2008 01:24 PM

Ask for the critical speed limit of the area within the past 2-3 years.

CRITICAL SPEED LIMIT, the actual limits that some person in an unmarked car hits every 3-5th vehicle to see how fast they are going.

Most people know that people are over the speed limit, no one actually drives 65 in a 65 area.

Critical speed limits are probably 5-10mph over the limit. So if the critical limit is say 73 in a 65 zone, the judge if he decides to hit you with some fee will only be able to hit you for 73 if you were going 75, which is 2mph ticket =P lol

kYLEMtnCRUZr 03-30-2008 01:28 PM

Good thought, but i doubt every 3-5th car goes over 65mph in the area he got his ticket.

Once you get over the hill to Scotts Valley/ Santa Cruz most people go 65.

It turns to 65mph (from 50) once you pass the Ocean Honda Whale billboard, and still its downhill with tall K-rails, so people are scared and dont normally get up to speed until they hit the flat at ScottsValley (old Denny's sign)

Thats when i pass everyone that is still doing 50

iLoqin 03-30-2008 01:37 PM

Yea, just a suggestion that everyone should ask for. =) I used to talk to a gurl who worked for one of those companies that have radar guns and detect the critical speed limits of certain areas.

She said to use that argument, so I figured it might come in handy for some speeding tickets to reduce fines and make the cop work harder to fine you =p

iLoqin 03-30-2008 01:38 PM

I found a cool trick recently, and I have not had a ticket since.[B][U] [SIZE="5"]DO NOT SPEED[/SIZE][/U][/B] Ya know, the speed limit is not just intended to inconvenience people who cannot keep a schedule.[/QUOTE]

In other words "Don't drive a Subaru"

Spoolin415 03-30-2008 01:59 PM

[QUOTE=kYLEMtnCRUZr;2158441]^not funny...parking hell huh?

Main Entry:
Latin jocus; perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yācati he asks
1 a: something said or done to provoke laughter; especially : a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twist b (1): the humorous or ridiculous element in something (2): an instance of jesting : kidding <can't take a joke> c: practical joke d: laughingstock
[b]2: something not to be taken seriously : a trifling matter <consider his skiing a joke — Harold Callender> —often used in negative constructions <it is no joke to be lost in the desert>[/b]

Lorry 03-30-2008 03:28 PM

[QUOTE=JDM555;2158263]Sorry to ask in your thread, but if your driving 65-67mph and a cop pulls you over and says your going 70-75. Can you ask to see the speed on his radar gun to prove you were going that fast in a very respectful way? Or would that not work?

You can ask - but he is not required to show you.

The device has to have been calibrated, but other than that, you don't have much to go on unless the gunning technique was iffy (from another moving car etc.).

Spoolin415 03-30-2008 03:34 PM

The device has to have been calibrated, but other than that, you don't have much to go on unless the gunning technique was iffy (from another moving car etc.).[/QUOTE]

This is what you could try and use if you fight it, but if he has the paperwork proving his calibration you're SOL.

kYLEMtnCRUZr 03-30-2008 04:18 PM

^Not funny :D

puma_man 03-30-2008 07:09 PM

Ok it is pretty easy to say never speed, and to be honest I try not to at all times because it isn't worth it, but it does happen occasionally...especially driving a subaru.

But I am minding my own business as cars are flying by me only to realize I'm being trailed by a cop. Did he not see the other cars that were passing me AS he was following?

I still think I am going to contest it because whats the worst that can happen? I still get convicted but at least there is a slim possibility I get off.

Thanks for all your help guys and drive safely!

Irish_car_B0mb 03-30-2008 07:16 PM

Hey I can answer this question. My wifes works for the police and this is how it works. You can ask to see the radar gun. However, they are not required by law to show you until your day at court. (somehow they save the speed. pry the in-dash cam.) I have some friends that are cops(through my wife working with them.) Most of the time if they got you for the speed they say you were going you probably were. If you are nice and polite they will pry show it to you. If they just wanted to mess with you go to court and they probably wont show up.

and further more if someone does the high five thing and gets a picture I will personally drive to your house and buy you a beer.

strider327 03-30-2008 10:32 PM

further more if someone does the high five thing and gets a picture I will personally drive to your house and buy you a beer.[/QUOTE]

Doubt this will EVER happen! LOL! But like I said to the original poster. You have a 50% chance if you do the written declaration trial, might as well give it a shot. If your guilty you end up paying, if you try to fight it and lose, at least you tried. Just my 2 cents. Good Luck.

SnoHumper 03-31-2008 12:13 AM

[QUOTE=puma_man;2158038]modified muffler.
I was going arguably 10 miles over the speed limit
there you go

aboothman 03-31-2008 11:16 AM

[QUOTE=Lboogie;2158361]You're lying to yourself, God, and the Internet (listed in order of importance) if you're saying you have never...... EEEEEEVAR sped.[/QUOTE]

1. When did I say I have never sped?

2. You must be dumb. My knowledge of the speeding ticket process would indicate, to an intelligent person, that I have had a speeding ticket before.

3. This would also explain why I suggested obeying the speed limit, since it is the best way to avoid getting speeding tickets.

4. Did I mention that you must be dumb?

5. (cause it is great :D)

Main Entry:
Latin jocus; perhaps akin to Old High German gehan to say, Sanskrit yācati he asks
1 a: something said or done to provoke laughter; especially : a brief oral narrative with a climactic humorous twist b (1): the humorous or ridiculous element in something (2): an instance of jesting : kidding <can't take a joke> c: practical joke d: laughingstock
[B][U]2: something not to be taken seriously : a trifling matter <consider his skiing a joke — Harold Callender> —often used in negative constructions <it is no joke to be lost in the desert>[/U][/B]

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