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tkmotorhead 03-01-2010 03:38 PM

garrett turbos

saw this posted on an Aussie racing site:

""I work at Garrett Turbos, now called Honeywell Turbo Technologies which there so proud of. When Cliff Garrett Owned Garrett He used to brown bag his lunch everyday and cared for a quality Product. If he knew what Honeywell has done now he would turn over in his grave. Honeywell bought Garrett In 1998 or 1999. After this they opened up a turbo testing lab in shanghai China and quickly moved there turbo overhaul to Mexicali Mexico, quickly after Garrett overhaul went belly-up. So they moved there whole production to Mexicali Mexico, as if that first failure was not a sign.

Garrett Turbos made a quality product for a fair price. A turbo is a precision instrument. Garrett turbos was part of Garrett Air Research (on 190th st. In Torrance ca.) Where they have a huge facility designing turbine engines, and so on. Most of the senior technicians in our main turbo facility (Lomita Blvd Torrance ca) came from our air research. If you’re building jet engines a turbo is not all that difficult. Well Cliff Garrett dies. At that time ALL production of Garrett Turbos was at Lomita Torrance ca. Also all engineering and research was there as well. After we were bought and production was sent to Mexico to save costs. Our production numbers doubled. And cost was cut in half our failure rate tripled. Well who cares Honeywell is making money and lots of it. Turbos are considered Honeywell’s golden egg. They feel that turbos are going to take over big. Which it already has in the diesel market. We make ford diesel turbos, daf, Chevrolet, some Audi, vw, fiat, Perkins. Millions of turbos. And there now all coming from china and Mexico. Well up until lately the company figured if the product was designed in the US and assembled in Mexico we would be ok. Well to further there profit and **** the customer once again....the LAST of what makes turbo American leaves in January 2011. We will close the doors to the Torrance Lab. In Torrance we did all our racing turbos (wrc stuff, Audi racing etc..) then in the garret garage we did the turbos you people buy for your Subaru’s. Actually I take that back. They take turbos that were made on a production line somewhere else in the world, and change a couple of parts on a bench in Torrance (wheels, housing..etc) and send it to you the customer saying it was made in the us.....no it was not it was just repackaged and altered a little. Well as of Jan 2011 all your turbos will be made in Mexico or china or Czech Republic. This is the last Garrett facility in the United States.

We have huge law suits pending due to turbo failures. GM is probably going to leave us.... ford has already sued us. Caterpillar has one of the largest recalls in garret history in the process. Our name is becoming ****. The last few VERY smart guys left in the company are being fired to save costs, but see our profit is already good.....they just want more. Please don’t spend 1500$ on a gt35r. Now that it’s costing Honeywell less to build turbos do you think you will see a smaller bill when you order there product? NO!. They are going to charge you even more for even less. There are countless procedures that are being terminated everyday that made our turbos THE BEST. They keep cutting corner after corner. Did you know that we shave metal off our turbine and compressor housings until they are at the EXTREME minimum needed to contain in the event of failure they are shaving every nickel off the cost of a turbo. Did you know that 2000$ gt40 you buy is all mark up. I won’t dare say the actual cost to the company in fear of a lawsuit but lets just say your sales tax is more then the production cost.

Do not buy these turbos. BorgWarner and mitsu are trying there best to compete with us making a quality product. Honeywell is using its big name to back junky turbos Like Toyota is starting to do. I guarantee in the next 8 months you will see a huge decline in quality. All designing and production is in CHINA AND MEXICO. Honeywell is taking back all there benefits they used to supply us with as employees. That way when they lay us off its as cheap as possible. Instead of saying "Well after we take a hit laying those people off we will make tons" they are just taking back all there benefits so they walk away clean and clear. We used to get a severance package. Which they just took away. One of the head engineers involved in the t3 project. (Designing the first t3) he is still with our company. he was supposed to get 44 weeks of pay if he ever got layed off (30 days and 1 week for every year with the company. 40 years with the company)Due to the new Honeywell rules he gets only 16 weeks pay they stole all that pack after promising it to him for 40 years. My fingers and about to fall off typing all this and I am heated so I don’t care about grammar I’m concerned about you people not supporting a Nazi company. Take your business elsewhere. Somewhere where you will get what your money pays for. Have a nice day and don’t forget if you hear the name HTT Honeywell Turbo Technologies Stay away

WRXSTIFTW 03-01-2010 04:02 PM

DAMN! that sucks to hear. greedy people and companies FLT

Irrational X 03-01-2010 05:35 PM


Vladi 03-01-2010 05:46 PM

I am split 50/50 on this. If you read the thread about this on NASIOC (fairly large thread with lots of good opinions/input) you will see the two sides:
On the one hand you have what looks like a disgruntled employee or one that got layed off or fired trashing the company. He brings up some very strong points and if true, they will lead to the complete downfall of a huge company. On the other hand, not many are having tons and tons of issues with garrett turbo's (at least not yet, and at least not that I've heard of) falling apart and not performing. Furthermore, if their turbo's start being crappy no one will buy them at which point they will either improve the quality back to how it was, or crumble. You gotta keep up with the market. if others are making better product for less money, or even similar product for less money you will fail if you don't keep up. Its a dog eat dog world. Just my .02

snowfool420 03-01-2010 06:17 PM

dude, meff that. honeywell is a *&@KED company. i hope they go bankrupt

jam007 03-01-2010 08:05 PM

Honeywell also makes OEM filters for our Subarus as well.

FW Motorsports 03-01-2010 08:49 PM

A "better" product can not be made for less money.

Vladi 03-02-2010 10:16 AM

I love your progressive and liberal thinking.

Irrational X 03-02-2010 10:50 AM

[QUOTE=Paul@dbtuned;2823102]A "better" product can not be made for less money.[/QUOTE]


when a better product is made for less money its called innovation. examples: steel from computer controlled mills, automobile assembly lines, etc.

[QUOTE=VladiWrX;2823541]I love your progressive and [B]liberal[/B] thinking.[/QUOTE]

careful, he's heavily armed... and despite his normal tolerance for name calling, the L-word is not one he takes kindly too :happy:

Double Phister 03-02-2010 11:27 AM

The country of origin does not determine quality. That's what specifications and quality control is for.

FW Motorsports 03-02-2010 11:41 AM

[QUOTE=VladiWrX;2823541]I love your progressive and liberal thinking.[/QUOTE]

Your lack of an industrial/manufacturing/quality assurance background speaks volumes.

What is the criteria for making one part "better" than another?
For most low quality minded people, lower price is the sole determining factor in "better".

[QUOTE=irrational x;2823569]disagree.

when a better product is made for less money its called innovation. examples: steel from computer controlled mills, automobile assembly lines, etc.


you have described [I]process improvement[/I], which depending on what the specifications are, may or may not improve the part.

[QUOTE=Double Phister;2823592]The country of origin does not determine quality. That's what specifications and quality control is for.[/QUOTE]

I agree up 90% of this statement.
Some countries, for various reasons, simply can not produce a "better" product at any price.

My signature say it all.

LxJLthr 03-02-2010 12:36 PM

[QUOTE=tkmotorhead;2822815]"I work at Garrett Turbos...[/QUOTE]

After this post, he probably no longer does...

[QUOTE=tkmotorhead;2822815]Honeywell is using its big name to back junky turbos Like Toyota is starting to do. I guarantee in the next 8 months you will see a huge decline in quality. [/QUOTE]

I have seen this post circulated on quite a few forums, but what I still have not been able to find is the original source of this post or the date that it was made. It would be nice to know the starting point of the "8 months" guarantee, so his claim can be validated.

His statement regarding Toyota generating/backing junky products did not help his credibility for me. It is just not a great comparison. While that specific manufacturer has found themselves with some quality problems, they are at least publicly taking responsibility, issuing recalls and trying to mitigate the situation. Therefore, at that point to me it just sounded like a rant of a disgruntled employee pissed off at foreign manufactures/companies.

[QUOTE=tkmotorhead;2822815]he was supposed to get 44 weeks of pay if he ever got layed off (30 days and 1 week for every year with the company. 40 years with the company)Due to the new Honeywell rules he gets only 16 weeks pay they stole all that pack after promising it to him for 40 years. [/QUOTE]

Ummm wait, is he releasing internal compensation/HR information for another employee without their consent? It would be helpful to know the complete "new Honeywell rules" and internal details of the buy out as it is very possible employees had to agree to them in writing. So, while they might be less beneficial, people still made a conscious choice to go along with them.

There are just too many questions, accusations, holes and lack of references or evidence to take this guy's rant very seriously.

Double Phister 03-02-2010 01:01 PM

[QUOTE=Paul@dbtuned;2823605]...For most low quality minded people, lower price is the sole determining factor in "better"...[/QUOTE]
it's this kind of thinking that pisses me off about inferior knockoffs.

[QUOTE=Paul@dbtuned;2823605]...I agree up 90% of this statement.
Some countries, for various reasons, simply can not produce a "better" product at any price.

My signature say it all.[/QUOTE]
Oh I know. But if the specs can't be met the supplier shouldn't get the contract.

Vladi 03-02-2010 01:17 PM

[QUOTE=Paul@dbtuned;2823605]Your lack of an industrial/manufacturing/quality assurance background speaks volumes.

Your ignorance is ASTONISHING. You know for a fact that I have no background in said fields? Tell me Paul, how many years of education do you have under your belt? What degrees do you posses? Licenses? Certificates? Anything more than a BAR number? Any jackoff can open up a shop, buy expensive equipment, pay insurance on it all, buy a business license then charge astronomical prices for "quality assured" work while others can do the SAME EXACT work for a fraction of the cost. That's what's happening here: a bunch of people were getting paid a lot of money to produce a quality product. Now the company switched to a group of other people that charge a fraction of the cost. Company hasn't crumbled yet, and is not hurt in any way yet, and we'll see how they do in the future. But SO FAR nothing has suffered besides this guy venting online. No one even knows for a FACT if its true or not.

You will never understand.
I agree up 90% of this statement.
Some countries, for various reasons, simply can not produce a "better" product at any price.

My signature say it all.[/QUOTE]

Ignorance at its best.
"everyone else is just not as good as us"

**** YEAH!!

Irrational X 03-02-2010 01:17 PM

[QUOTE=LxJLthr;2823651]His statement regarding Toyota generating/backing junky products did not help his credibility for me. It is just not a great comparison. While that specific manufacturer has found themselves with some quality problems, they are at least publicly taking responsibility, issuing recalls and trying to mitigate the situation[B] after major pressure from consumer groups, media outlets, and the US government forced them to admit there was an issue[/B]. Therefore, at that point to me it just sounded like a rant of a disgruntled employee pissed off at foreign manufactures/companies. [/QUOTE]

fixed for truth.

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