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ZIZZIZ 01-21-2004 07:47 PM

The Rally Scooby betting thread
OK, so here we can run a pool on every rally of the year. just pick your favorite driver/codriver team. i geuss we could assign per rally what you've gotta wager or i geuss we could just make it one set ante, ie; 40 snacks per rally....

dropkick_muppet 01-21-2004 07:57 PM

okay, i'll throw down 40 scooby snacks on Sebastian Loeb to win the season opener in Monte Carlo.

Nick Koan 01-21-2004 08:00 PM

How does this work exactly? Just curious who I pay, or who pays me at the end of the rally.

I'll throw 40 on the outside chance of Martin/Park finishing first in Monte Carlo.

IS2Scooby 01-21-2004 08:59 PM

I'm with Loeb too... This is a great idea. Just like nKoan, I'd like to know how it's going to work also...
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IS2Scooby 01-23-2004 09:24 PM

Just to clarify, I'll throw 40 in for Loeb to win.
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Nick Koan 01-26-2004 10:53 AM

Alright, so it looks like I owe some people some scooby snacks. Does this mean that I just give dropkick_muppet and IS2Scooby 20 scooby snacks each?

dropkick_muppet 01-26-2004 03:00 PM

i guess that is the way it works...i dunno.

Nick Koan 01-26-2004 03:25 PM

Done and done. So, now we got two weeks till Sweden :D

I haven't decided who I want to put money on yet.

ZIZZIZ 01-26-2004 03:31 PM

yeah, that is the way it should work. i'm sorry, i really should have explained. you wager how much you are willing to bet on your who you think will win the rally betting is on. we should decide on a minimum bet but you can bet anything over that as well. once everyone is in, you work out the odds. which work like this

Dropkick Muppet and IS2Scooby on Loeb - 40 each. = 80 on loeb

nkoan 40 on martin = 40 on martin

odds = total snacks/your drivers total

(120/40) = 3.00 : 1 on Martin

(120/80) = 1.50 : 1 on Loeb

if we had a bet on solberg for another 40, the odds would be

(160/40) = 4.00 : 1 on martin

(160/40) = 4.00 : 1 on solberg

(160/80) = 2.00 : 1 on loeb

The way the odds break down is that everything is compared to 1. This 1 is for each snack on that driver. so if odds are 2.00 : 1 you get 2.00 snacks for every snack you had on you driver.

since the odds on loeb were 1.50 : 1 both IS2Scooby and dropkick_muppet get 1.5 snacks for each they wagered, or, since they didn't have to actually give up money, they keep their own snacks and each also get .5 snacks for each snack that they wagered. or nkoan pays each of them 20 snacks.

Nick Koan 01-26-2004 03:32 PM

Cool, thats what I ended up doing :D

ZIZZIZ 01-26-2004 04:00 PM

does that makes sense?

Nick Koan 01-26-2004 04:08 PM

Yeah, I think it does. We'll definitely use it next time.

I saw it slightly differently, though, and luckily it worked out. I saw it as, I lost 40 snacks and both dropkick_muppet and IS2Scooby should split the pot (each gets their 40 snacks back and half of my snacks).

On a much larger scale, or a more complicated scale, I probably would have gotten confused and starting splitting up my bet incorrectly.

Thanks for clearing it all up.

It almost seems like next time, we should have some sort of bookie that takes the bets before the rally starts, and then divies up the pot after the rally ends, rather then rely on the looser(s) being able to split their wager to the winners accordingly.

Oh, and another question, what would happen to our bets if no one guessed the correct driver? Everyone gets their bet back (unless we want the bookie making out like a bandit here)?

ZIZZIZ 01-26-2004 04:25 PM

no, you did it just right, they each keep their snacks, plus they split the winnings proportionally, which you did, since they were even. we could set up a bookie ID so that a person could not cheat at all. unwon bets coul carry over to the next rally kind of like a lottery - which could make for some gigundus pots.... and actually, since i started this thread i would be happy to create a user name like The Bookie or something to take care of bets.

Nick Koan 01-26-2004 04:37 PM

Works for me, then we can place our bets to The Bookie for every WRC round.

Sounds good to me.

dropkick_muppet 01-26-2004 05:04 PM

sounds good to me, a bookie account would be great. that way, each of us who is betting places out bet and gives the bookie account our bet in scoobie snacks and the winners get paid out.

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