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rustokman 09-19-2004 09:04 PM

Heel-toe shifting is when you push the brake with the ball of your foot while pressing the gas to rev-match with your heel.

Double clutching is "basically this"...
While in a gear...
1. press clutch
2. put into neutral
3. release clutch
4. push gas pedal
5. push clutch in again
6. put into desired gear
7. release clutch again while amintainig rpm through gas

way back when, manual trannies didn't have synchronisers so the only way to shift smoothly was to make the different gears spin at an equal speed. To do that you had to double clutch. Heavy trucks had to do this especially because they have more gears that are much more extreme in ratio and if the driver didn't double clutch he could stall the truck or worse strip the gears quickly because of the high load.

Like I said earlier though, it is unneccesary to do this due to the advent of modern day synchronisers. All you need to do is rev match and you should be fine.

Magish 09-20-2004 06:53 AM

[QUOTE=rustokman]Like I said earlier though, it is unneccesary to do this due to the advent of modern day synchronisers. All you need to do is rev match and you should be fine.[/QUOTE]
While this may be true, a driver who is good at heel toe is probably going to be faster in the corners in a race situation than one with rev matching. Heel toe is just so much quicker and that is why, though it is not nessecary, we still do it today.

rustokman 09-20-2004 03:46 PM

Well, ok...what that said was it is unnecessary to double-clutch.

When you are heel-toe shifting you ARE rev-matching. Heel-toe is just an advanced form of rev matching.

I think we are all talking about one thing but using different terminology.

Go fast, take chances, enjoy.

BoxerRumble 09-20-2004 10:03 PM

what im understanding about rev matching is this..please correct me, you step on the brake to slow down, 50mph 4th gear, and ucome up to a corner thats 3rd or 2nd gear at 25mph, so you apply the brakes to slow down to that speed, and you press the clutch in and shift to 2nd or 3rd, and while u do that, u have to blip the throttle to get the rpm's up, so when u accelerate again, ..well this is the part i dont get, WHY do you need to get the rpm's up? cant you just brake, clutch, shift to 3rd or 2nd gear and accelerate? when you shift down a gear, ur rpm's go up anyways dont they? will it be jerky or..what will happen, and why? another questoin is if u stay in 4th ...u brake down to say..25 mph from 4th, but u dont shift and accelerate, what happens to the car? you will still accelerate but w/ less power? thanks for clearing this up.

rustokman 09-21-2004 01:37 AM

You get the rpms up to make the shift "smooth". That reduces the wear on the clutch and makes it so that you can release the clutch quicker instead of having to feather it out slowly. That allows you to drive much more aggresively through twisties and you can really stomp on the gas coming out of turns. Otherwise you would waste not only your clutch but a whole bunch of time and you would slow your engine below where you would want it, not to mention the jerk you get when you downshift without matching the rpms.

Hope that helped

sht 09-21-2004 12:35 PM

[QUOTE=Nuget]Nah, can't have enough.

Thanks for all who've jumped in to add their 2 cents. Over the past few days i've been asking around and driving as much as possible. Have only stalled out a couple times in the past few days. Deffinately a smart idea to turn the radio off.

I deffinately agree with the whole brakes are cheaper then clutch/tranny deal. But that only applies when a dead stop is going to happen. I'm still learning where my gears lie and at what speeds I need to be going to use them while down shifing. Getting it slowly but surely.

I still get the jerky shifts in between and i'm working on the timing. Frustrating at times but it'll be well worth it in the end. The car is fantastic, the wait and all the hours of research I put into the car has deffiantely payed off.

Questions arise again though-
-What is double clutching
-What is heal toe shifting, the clutch seems bottomless in a way, short legs and small feet don't help I suppose

Thanks for the links and info, still learning plenty and am looking forward to many years of enjoyment in this car, well at least till its payed off anyway.

Have a good one[/QUOTE]

sit all the way up like your grandmother. make sure that you can press the clutch all the way down with out extending you leg all the way. and forget about heeltoe for now cause you wont need to use it for now. soon you will be able to down shift with out think or realize you are doing it. then think about heeltoe

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